A downloadable tool for Windows

Buy Now$15.00 USD or more

The Ultimate version of PolyOne3

PolyOne3 allows you to break free of the limitations of axis-aligned, tile-based systems and create any geometry by allowing you to edit geometry one vertex at a time if you so wish. This makes it possible to get more mileage out of your textures and tilemaps without having to spend as much time creating variations. The results can look more organic than typical entirely grid-based level editing approaches.

While you can edit geometry vertex-by-vertex, there are still more conventional rectangle and polygon creation tools that can speed up the creation process when needed without any loss of control; it's the best of both worlds in this respect but also in the combination of vector data in the vertices and raster graphics when using textured layers.

Things you could use PolyOne3 Pro for:

  • Creating levels and/or assets for all kinds of 2D and possibly even 3D games, or maps for tabletop RPGs
  • Easily loading the created levels in your own games, as PolyOne3 can export in JSON and JSV format, with an XML export also planned
  • Integrating your own mechanics into level design easily with Custom layer and vertex Properties, to achieve affects such as scrolling textures, vegetation that waves with the wind, and other special effects
  • Fixing perspective on photographs to create textures from them without perspective distortion

PolyOne3 is made with ENIGMA and LateralGM. It has been tested on Windows 7 and 10 only, and may run on some Linux distros, but some features may not work as intended.

Due to changes in life circumstances, I am no longer able to promise future updates in the foreseeable future. For this reason I have unlaunched the Patreon page. I am greatly thankful for any purchases, but please be aware that there is no guarantee of updates, especially in the foreseeable future. If at some future date development continues, the same features as previously described on this page will be under consideration, including: game object integration and placement, tilesheet/tilemap/atlas layers, XML export, and a .obj export for 3D models.

You can get the Lite version of PolyOne3 with limited features for free here, but if you want more information check out its own itch.io page: https://mbillington.itch.io/polyonelite


Buy Now$15.00 USD or more

In order to download this tool you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $15 USD. You will get access to the following files:

PolyOne3 Pro v0.4 2.2 MB
PolyOne3 Pro v0.4.2 2.9 MB

Download demo

PolyOne3 Lite (limited free version) 1.9 MB


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(1 edit)

So it's regrettably been a while since a PolyOne3 update to either the Pro or Lite versions. Life, burnout and the need to work for a roof over my head got in the way. Furthermore, I had a version that was nearly ready for release, but experienced a hard disk issue and much of my work was corrupted. I had an external backup drive but it was also broken, and the source files of PolyOne3 do not fit well with Source Control, so I lost all the changes, obviously very discouraging.

Well I'm finally trying to get back to work on PolyOne3 starting with a .obj export and a rewrite of the manual focused on How-To's and Q&A as a manual rewrite seems much more useful for someone that wasn't inside my head seeing the thought process unfold behind all of how and why PolyOne3 was designed the way it is. I can't set a deadline on this for sure but a month should be sufficient.

I've had very little feedback on PolyOne3 and I worry that's because usability issues stop people from finding uses for it, so please let me know if or what you have found PolyOne3 useful for as I'd be very interested!


I think my advice is the same to so many right now. Lower the price not because your software is not worth $15, but because right now more people have $5 to spare than $15 or even $10.

More people will try it on itch that way. Raise the price incrementally as you add more and more features, or the economy changes. I wish you the best of luck either way.

Deleted 143 days ago